Sunday, November 14, 2004
Got up and ate today. Watched Womens basketball and then some NFL. The NFL game seemed very long for some reason. Glad I didn't have to stand all the way through that. Bummed around until the Simpson's came on. Watched that then went to the rec. I weighed myself and wanted to cry. I'm such a fat ass now. It's just sad. I shot around some then ran one game. My lower back is so weak though that's I stopped even though my team won. I subbed in near the end of the next game for a injured player, but that was it for me. Tomorrow I work out my lower back. And do some running. I'm so out of shape. Damn my lazy ass. Got a smoothie then ate at Rumours after the rec. Now I should go to sleep. I'm half tired, but half awake. What shall I do? Probably stay awake as always.