Friday, November 26, 2004
stayed up last night and finished watching my movie around 3am. then my momma wanted to go see if people were already lined up at best buy because that's where she wanted to get her computer from. so we went there and it was already a long ass line. so we left and ended up at circuit city. my services weren't needed so i crashed in the front seat while my momma waited. she got her computer then we went to target and i got a digital camera. then we went to office depot and i got my all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. i borrowed the money from my grandmother so now i have to work to pay her back and then keep working to pay off my credit card bill. now it's back home. i could sleep or i could just stay up. i'll probably eventually fall asleep. i've spent all the money i can for the next year. was it worth it? who cares. too late now. lets see if i can enjoy what i got. i gotta work for it though. lets grind.