Sunday, December 12, 2004

i got up and ate breakfast around 11, but went right back to sleep after that. i got up a little later after alison called me to go meet her and Q at starbucks. i slowly got up and showered and watched some of the Texans game before leaving. I met up with them and we talked for awhile. After I left there I went and visited Monica at Hallmark. I hung out there awhile and wanted to buy something, but in the end I didn't. I left and was heading home, but at the last minute I exited Stella Link and went to the Y. Jyme was there so I stayed and talked some before calling up Aubrey who stays around the corner. She came and chilled with us. Then Derrick stays right down the street so he came over. I told Monica I was going home at 5, but we ended up staying at the Y and talking until the pool closed at 8. It was good times catching up with them. I shall have to go back sometime soon and catch up with the other ones. I came home and ate and I have to take out a few boxes so I can go to the movies later.

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