Thursday, January 06, 2005
I got up and headed over to Olivia's. PJ and I helped her paint her room. She should've gone with the blue like i suggested. After that I went and picked up my momma from pershing. I came home and changed and Becky picked me up. We went to the galleria so she could exchange her ring that she got for christmas. we did that and i stole some of their little cards and envelopes. After that we met up with a bunch of people at Lambo. Good food and good times. Afterwards a few of us went to UH and met up with Grace and Randall for pool and bowling. I need to get my consistency in pool like I now have with bowling. Even though my first game of bowling wasn't that good it was still a 144 then I came back with a 175 in the second game. Now I'm home early again. Oh how the times have changed.