Tuesday, January 18, 2005
We went to the rec about 9:30. We ran our full court games again. My stomach was feeling bad at first, but I played through it and it felt better as I kept playing. Around 11:30 just about everybody had left, so we played a game of horse. I won because I caught fire and started hitting 35-40ft jumpers with ease. After that we did our free-throws/sprints. I went 7-10, 7-10, 8-10, 8-10, which isn't bad for me, but it's not where I want to be. We finished up then went to play pool again. I started off playing how I know I can play then I lost concentration and started rushing everything. But I finished strong. Now I was planning on going to sleep, but I haven't been up long enough to sleep so I'll pull an all-nighter on the first day of school. Who the hell does that? This isn't how I was supposed to start out this semester.