Sunday, March 13, 2005
I took a nap then got up to FINALLY go eat pie with Kristan. We ate it over ding's and watched some of march madness. Later Daniel came over and we met up with Christina at Tan Tan. Jenny met us there when we were done and we were all supposed to go to the movies, but Ding and Daniel decided to go bowling, but Jenny and I still went to see Be Cool. I'm glad I finally saw it. Funny stuff, even though I expected more from The Rock. As we were walking out after the movie we saw that Diary Of A Mad Black Woman was about to start and we ended up going in to watch that. Jenny said we'd only stay 30 minutes, but I knew better and of course we ended up watching the whole movie. I love that movie. Now I'm back home and should get some sleep. Maybe I will within the next hour.