Sunday, June 19, 2005
Friday was LONG. My first shift was good, but the second one seemed to go on forever. I was ready to leave as soon as I got there. I finally got off and came home and got ready to go out. Q, Kristan, Sandra and I hit up the Roxy. It was slow when we got there, but soon picked up. It was good until they switched dj's and songs started getting repeated. It was PACKED. The skanks were out in full force. We walked around some after they switched dj's before Q and I had people clearing a path for us as we marched out. We had a good time at IHOP, even if our waitress sucked, before calling it a night. I couldn't sleep for some reason even though I was dead tired.
I got up today at 7:45am for my chem lab. It was an accident on I-10 that had traffic backed up forever. It took me over an hour to get out there, and when I did I got the wonderful surprise that chem lab was cancelled. I was so upset I went to Oshman's to buy me one of those nike dri-fit shirts. I came home and passed out before waking up for work. I worked from 3pm-10pm even though I was supposed to be off at 9pm. I left and met up with Q, Greg, Ef, Joel, and Olivia to watch Batman Begins. It was similar to Spiderman 2 in ways, but it was still a good movie. It made me want to be a ninja again. Now I need sleep since I still won't get to sleep in tomorrow. But will I go to sleep now? I doubt it.
I got up today at 7:45am for my chem lab. It was an accident on I-10 that had traffic backed up forever. It took me over an hour to get out there, and when I did I got the wonderful surprise that chem lab was cancelled. I was so upset I went to Oshman's to buy me one of those nike dri-fit shirts. I came home and passed out before waking up for work. I worked from 3pm-10pm even though I was supposed to be off at 9pm. I left and met up with Q, Greg, Ef, Joel, and Olivia to watch Batman Begins. It was similar to Spiderman 2 in ways, but it was still a good movie. It made me want to be a ninja again. Now I need sleep since I still won't get to sleep in tomorrow. But will I go to sleep now? I doubt it.