Thursday, August 18, 2005

I got up yesterday and took Monica to work. Then I headed over to Ding's to meet up with him and Q. HH was sleeping over there then Cecilia came over. We all headed over to Thelma's to get some food. We brought it back to Ding's and ate. I watched Q and Ding play some video games before passing out on the couch. I finally got up around 2:30pm and left to head home after picking Marlene and Askia up some food. Then I left and went to pick up Nadia from Bellaire. We went and got her some food from Chick-Fil-A and chilled a little while before she had to be home. I came home and packed and watched some tv. We were supposed to leave a little after 6pm, but plans got changed and we didn't end up leaving until a little before 9pm. Marlon drove his car and Marlene rode with him while I drove Monica and I in her car. We stopped once in Conroe to use the restrooms and buy a radar detector. It was smooth selling from there on. It's nice driving at night besides the MANY 18 wheelers, but it was still all good. We got in around 1am. I played some video games and watched part of Team America before falling asleep.

I got up this morning and watched the rest of Team America...FUCK YEAH. We ordered Red Robin and Marlon, Toni, and I went to pick it up. We brought the food back and ate and are now watching Office Space. We may nap before doing anything else, but we'll see.

I got to hear about a lot of the work that Toni's doing and it's making me miss programming. I've got to somehow incorporate programming into my schedule. A part of me needs it.
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