Sunday, July 30, 2006

Today was another good day. A long one, but a good one. I woke up and did Chinese breakfast with Q, Ding, Kristan, Angie, and Albert. Always good times when with good friends. After that I did some more stuff at the old apartment. Then it was off to work. It was ridiculously slow today, but luckily time didn't seem to slow down like it usually does. Plus I was working with people I liked.

Marlene bought herself a new car today. It's a Toyota Scion Tc. It's a nice little car. Black on black. Not much trunk space, but the back seats do recline. I was surprised, but it has a little kick to it when you hit the accelerator. Hopefully I'll get more chances to test drive it. The first one was fun when I got to take it out tonight to see Miami Vice with Loren and Q. Not a great plot, but an enjoyable movie.

I should really be asleep now since I have work at 8am tomorrow and I'll be there all day. But that's not my style.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My day off Monday seemed so long. It was wonderful. I barely did anything. But of course that meant I didn't feel like being back at work Tuesday. This week has gone by smoothly so far. Phase II seems like it'll be good. It's not quite what I expected, but I believe in it.

I got to do a lot of cooking at work tonight, which was awesome. I had to ask how to cook half the dishes I was doing, but most came out good. At the end I cooked food for Vanessa again and Allan, one of my managers. They both loved it, so that made me feel good.

Cable is evil. So addicting.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

This was a long weekend.

Yesterday I woke up at 7am to start moving stuff. Marlon decided we didn't need movers, so we had to move all the big things ourselves. We put in 8 hours worth of moving before he had to stop to get ready for a study session. I crashed for a little while after that, then got up and got back to work. I got to relax at night though. I met up with Q, Ding, Harry, and Line and The Tea House. I hadn't been there before, but it was nice. We played Jenga, which took me back many years. I'm glad I decided to go out, even if i knew I had work early in the morning.

Today I woke up and worked 8-8 in the kitchen at work. I took on Pantry on a Sunday night, which wasn't my choice and which I wasn't sure if I was ready for, but things worked out well. I wish I had've gotten a break though. Stupid chicken.

Tonight will be the first night I spend at our house. It's different, but nice. Still a lot of work to do though.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

3 months ago Ding, PJ, and I started the Ultimate Workout Program. I wasn't sure how long we'd stick with it, but we've made it this far. Phase I is basically complete. I now have a foundation that I'm happy with. My abs still aren't great, but for now they'll do. Phase II is the Get Big Phase. I can't wait.

I finally got my raise at work. It's about time. Sunday's suck because it's a forever long day, but I have fun on pantry. Besides pulling chicken that is. I hate that. I need to hurry and learn how to cook all the dishes. I need more options for my lunch and dinner.

I need to go dancing. It's been too long. Any takers?

We've been moving stuff for the past few weeks. Time's almost up for us to be out and we still have a LOT to move. These next few days are going to be rough. I believe we're getting movers for the really big stuff though, so I'm glad about that. I wasn't looking forward to dragging some of this stuff down 3 flights of stairs. Once we're done moving I'll finally have cable again. It seems like it's been forever. I can't wait.

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