Sunday, October 30, 2005

I woke up today and had to get dressed up to go to Marlene's induction into Kappa Delta Pi, the educational hall of fame or something of that matter. Except I didn't really have any dress shoes, so I had to pull out my black K-swiss to go with my outfit. I was surprised at how well the combination worked out though. I'll have to wear it again one day. After we finished I just got dropped off at work cuz I didn't feel like riding my bike there. I sat in Pei Wei and just watched some stuff on my phone and searched the internet until it was time for me to clock in. I love my phone. Work seemed to be going by fast at first, but then got long all of a sudden. I was talking to my general manager, Jaime, about the ice situation, since the machine wasn't really making ice. I told her I thought we could make it since we only had an hour left. It was then that she told me we had two hours left and that the clock I had been looking at all night never got changed for daylight savings time. I couldn't believe it and was ready to just pass out. It was the trainers last day, so they won't be back, which means I'll have to stay on all of these rookies myself to keep them on task. Well Greg is actually staying so that helps some. And he brought me a movie with some crazy martial arts moves, so I'll have to check that out soon. After work I decided not to find a ride and just walk home for the exercise. I started walking and realized that it'd take forever, so I decided to jog back to my dorm. I started jogging and immediately wanted to stop since I was still in my Pei Wei uniform of black pants, a long sleeve black shirt, my apron and boots. Plus I was carrying a bag that had my clothes and shoes in it from earlier. The whole time I was running I kept thinking that everybody who saw me must have thought that I just robbed some place. Somehow I made it all the way back to my dorm without stopping. It's about 2 1/2 miles, so I was pleased with myself.

I have no clue where I'm going in life right now, but I talked to Jaime about becoming a trainer and she said she'd talk to the regional director for me. It couldn't hurt to look into it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Why do the astros do this to us? They go up in the game, completely blow their lead, comeback, take us through so many innings where they had so many chances to win, then lose. Why couldn't they have won or lost it in the 9th and saved us a couple hours. But no, they had to go for the record of the longest post season game. They had to throw the bottom of the 12th. I hope they can pull a Red Sox.

I'm so exhausted, it's not even funny. I wonder how long it'll be before my body shuts down on me this time.
Some people are just dumb.

Work ended good though cuz I closed with Greg, who's a trainer, so we just knocked everything out with no problem.

Only one meal a day is killing me though. That has to change.

I think I may become a trainer for Pei Wei. After talking with the ones we have here, it seems like a great job, plus you get to travel around to the different openings.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I've just been off in another world these past few weeks. I know they happened, but I don't remember much about them. School has just been blah. It hit me hard this past thursday that I'm going nowhere here and not getting very much out of being here. Training at Pei Wei was fun. I actually studied for that test cuz I had to remain the best. Our first week open was crazy busy. A line out the door everyday. But all that business meant plenty of hours for me to work. I ended up with just under 51 hours for the week, with almost half of them coming today and yesterday. I remembered this weekend that I have bad ankles, so they're killing me now after standing for so long. But at least I got 3 free meals out of this weekend. And today I got to do some of everything. First one of the cashiers had to go figure out something they messed up on, so I got to hop on the cash register for a little while. Then later my GM asked me to run the outside expo window while she took a break. Good memories.

Now I gotta switch my mind back into school mode during the day, but I think I'm also going to grind it out 7 days a week at Pei Wei so I've a lot to deal with. Maybe this will get me on a regular schedule. I hope so. But I'm just trying to make it through this semester and then we'll go from there. Where I'll be? I have no idea yet. What I want to do? I have no clue. But I have faith that something will work out in the end.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

On Scott's near homerun that would've ended the game and the series in the 10th
aggieballer07: i still can't believe that ball curved foul
MRmom: kind of like a hurricane

Friday, October 07, 2005

I finally called T-mobile to find out when exactly my contract was up and they told me it was already up. I couldn't believe it. They offered me a new phone and 400 extra anytime minutes, but since they don't have a phone I want, I had to pass. Now it's time to go sprint, which means I really need to start working. Looks like I may have to pass on the ATL this time.

It was a long night, but I got through it and actually got studying done. I went and wrote my spanish composition already. It wasn't as great as I would've liked for it to have been, but it was good considering the circumstances. Now I just hope I can stay up until my math test. If I fall asleep then I lose and I may as well go home now. But I won't, cuz I can't lose. Not this time.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I've definately had a better time socially this semester, but as far as school, it's still not going well. I've got very little time to get back on track. I really need to start studying in groups again. I tried tonight, but I never got started and instead just fell asleep over Katherine's.

Well, I may be going to Atlanta in a few weeks. I'll feel bad having to take off the first weekend that Pei Wei's open. But I can't pass up this opportunity. This means I need to get back to Houston before then though so I can get some nice clothes. Can't show up to Morehouse's homecoming not looking fly.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Last week was a complete mess up. Let's hope I can get things back together this week. It's gonna be a long road to finish what I've started, but I believe that I have the support around me to get it done.

Finally got back in the gym today. But just to max out on bench and squat. Bench was up to 215lbs, but I still wasn't happy with that. Squat was up to 315lbs so that made me happy. Consistency.


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