Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Marlon took Monica to work this morning so I didn't have to wake up as early as planned. I got up and took care of a few things then went to take Monica lunch. After that I picked Kristan up from her parents office and took her out to intercontinental. I came back down 59. The eastex freeway is so nice out there. Why can't all our freeways be like that? I stopped by Robek's on the way home and went in for my interview. It went well, but the guy who has the final say was just getting back in town today, so I should hear from them in the next 2 or 3 days. I got Sonic on the way home, but then I lost my appetite. I don't know if I can take seeing pictures.
Monday, May 30, 2005
I got a good workout in today with Ding, PJ, and Q. I could actually tell today that my triceps had gotten a lot stronger. Somehow I completed 3 sets of dips without any help. My back's still sore from yesterday though. Hopefully it'll be okay for the game tomorrow. I could really use a massage though. I already know my legs will be sore, so I don't need my back messed up as well. After leaving 24, PJ, Q, and I went over to Pujan's to watch the rest of the Suns vs Spurs game. An excellent game with one of the greatest blocks of all-time. Now I need to rest, because even though I don't work tomorrow I seem to have a full day ahead of me.
I started out work today as a cashier, but stuff happened between some people and they got sent home. After that I got moved to foodrunner. When I got over to that position it was about 15 tickets up. It was constant running for awhile after that, but it was good training. In between I decided to do a little bussing just to complete the cycle on the day. After work I realized that Robek's called me about an interview. I went there, but the manager had already left. The workers told me that they definately wanted to offer me a job. Hopefully I'll be working at Pei Wei and Robek's next week. Q was having a little bbq at his place so I headed over there to chill. I felt loved because Mrs. Smith introduced me as part of the family :D. The food was delicious and there was Dave Chapelle playing on the tv for entertainment. After all the other younger people left I completely crashed on their couch. I was awoken around 6 cuz Q was about to leave to go hoop at UH. I came home then remembered I had to go feed Olivia's pets. I did that and now I'm just waiting to workout.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
busboy and foodrunner were one in the same for me today so I stayed fairly busy. Closing was busy as well, very fast paced. I came home and decided that I needed to go workout. Ding came and spotted me at 24. I decided to see how much I could squat. I did a set on 265, 275 then I hit 285. I went for 300 just for fun, but my mind wasn't right. I came down way too fast and couldn't recover. But I'll be able to get it soon enough. I left and got me some food since I didn't feel like fixing anything. Reminder to self:stop spending money. Now I need to get some sleep so I can wake up for work tomorrow.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
After feeding Olivia's pets I went to see The Longest Yard with Q, Kristan, and Lauren. It was hilarious, but I really shouldn't be spending money. We stood around talking for awhile after the movie then Q and I hit up Mickey D's and went to his place and watched the end of the game. Later on ended up at UH for some pool. I finished 2-2 on the night. Not bad for not having my glove or cue.
I wonder how busboy will work out for me tomorrow.
I wonder how busboy will work out for me tomorrow.
Work was good again today. I wasn't sure how it'd be since cashier is the hardest position. It was slow at first so we were doing busy work at first. At one point I was just on the computer trying to memorize it when people start coming in. I look around and I'm the only one back there. I guess it was good because it was either sink or swim. Luckily I was able to swim. I feel fairly comfortable now, hopefully I can get a comfy cashier job since that's where the good money is.
My first day of work was cool. I got to be a food runner today. Alvin trained me and it turns out he stays in the same apartment complex that I do. He really helped me learn to identify the different foods. Tomorrow I get to be a cashier. I wonder how that'll work during the lunch rush. Afterwards I met up with a bunch of people and at the Palace then we headed to AMC 30 to see Crash. It was a good movie, even if Luda's part was dumb and only black people died. Most people left after the movie, but I chilled with Felicitas, PJ, and Mark at Chacho's for a bit. I'd heard that was the place to be late at night and it definately was. I'm going to have to go back there. Now I need some sleep before work.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
I just watched the season finale of Alias. I completely froze at the end of the show. Such a shocker.
I woke up later than I'd planned to today, which wasn't the smartest thing to do since I'd planned on finishing studying this morning. But I studied as much as I could then headed up to Pei Wei. Lucky me, I didn't have to take the test today. I just had to fill out all the paper work. I did that then took a tour of the the kitchen and everything. I start tomorrow. Hopefully once I get settled in I can get a set schedule during the lunch hours. That way I'll have my evenings free for another job. After I finished up there I headed to Pershing to help my momma and Marlene clean up some. While there they randomly decided that we were going to celebrate my momma's birthday today. We got everybody together and had a wonderful dinner at Little Pappa's. I met up with Q, Kristan, and Angie to finish watching Eurotrip. Now I'm home, but I feel like being out. Maybe I'll just go riding around.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I made flash cards for Pei Wei and studied them a little before going to workout with Q. I came home and ate and ended up watching the season finale of American Idol. After that I met up with Ding, Marcus and Ann at La Madeline. From there we went to meet up with Greg and PJ at 24. After standing around in the parking lot some we decided to hit up the Palace. Ann gave me a run for my money in the first game. She ended up with a 126, but my clutch bowling prevailed with a 146. For the second game I decided to bowl left handed. I got off to a hot start and had a 31 pin lead through 5 frames, but then I started messing up. Greg came back and took the lead briefly in the 8th frame, but somehow I pulled off a 131 to top his 124. It could've been better, but everybody started using my ball and stealing all the luck from it. It was a fun night though, and I'm glad I got to spend some time with Ann before she heads off to China.
Now back to studying.
Now back to studying.
I got up this morning, went and picked up Ding and Ann, then we headed out to Thelma's. We got our food to go then went out to CCC to eat with Greg and Judith. We hung out there a little while then I had to leave to get Marlene and take her to the dentist. I dropped her off then came back to study the Pei Wei menu. I must learn it by tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Marlon didn't wake up this morning to go workout, we'll try again tomorrow morning. I went out and got my root canal redone today and Ding's dad also made me a mouth piece. I came home and ate and then went to workout with Q. It was another good workout today. My body was exhausted when we were done so I came home and ended up taking a nap. I got up and headed to the Y for our game. We lost, but not by much, and it was to the defending champions. I made too many mental errors tonight. I guess I'll just have to get back into the flow of those games. I want to keep playing with them in the Y league, but I don't know if I'll have the money for it. I was surprised at my endurance though. I played the whole first half and most of the second half. We'll see if it was just a fluke or not. We all hung around in the parking lot for about 45 minutes after the game. Now I'm home and starving.
I got a phone call before the game that completely made my day. I hope I get another one.
I got a phone call before the game that completely made my day. I hope I get another one.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Earlier today I went to shoot pool with Pang at Slick Willie's. I won the day 11-9. It was nice because we played for 3 hours, got some drinks and buffalo tenders all for $12.
I got a great workout in tonight. I should definately be feeling it tomorrow. And on top of that I may be back at 24 at 6am with Marlon. That's just how I roll though. Everybody was at 24 tonight. I saw so many people, a couple that I hadn't seen in years. It's always nice seeing old friends again.
I got a great workout in tonight. I should definately be feeling it tomorrow. And on top of that I may be back at 24 at 6am with Marlon. That's just how I roll though. Everybody was at 24 tonight. I saw so many people, a couple that I hadn't seen in years. It's always nice seeing old friends again.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
I was able to have my breakfast then I met up with Q at 24. I'm glad I'm getting a little consistency in with my workouts. Gotta keep it up. Came back and showered and watched part of the game. Then I headed over to Kristan's to hang out and watch part of eurotrip. Didn't get to finish because Kristan and Angie had places to be. Maybe I should stay in and rest tonight.
After a little while of being bored yesterday, I headed over to Q's and we went to this little place over by McGregor Park and each got a couple fish dinners. It was good and cheap. I'll have to go back sometime. We chilled at his house and for some reason watched Torque, even though that's a terrible movie. We finally decided to just hit up AMC 30. We rode over to the northside and picked up Mandy. She ended up staying right down the street from Greg. We were going to pick him up, but he wasn't home. We got to AMC 30 and wanted to see Crash, but it was only 3 seats left so we went to Sonic and waited to see Kingdom of Heaven. It was good and with Mandy it's always plenty of laughs. We dropped her off then I took Q home. I got home a little after 2am. I was tired, but didn't feel like going to sleep. I finally went to sleep around 5am when Marlon was waking up to go to work. I'm up now and will probably go workout in a little bit. Hopefully I'll actually eat breakfast today.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
I woke up to a text message by Q tellin me to come to the gym. Normally I wouldn't have gotten up, but I figured if I'm going to get back in shape I may as well go all in. I got up and headed to 24 still half asleep. Did a leg workout first. People didn't think I could still squat 250lb, but of course I had to try it. It was rough, but I got my five reps in on it. We did a push workout today. I should be feeling it tomorrow in my legs and arms. It'll feel good though. Now what to do for the rest of the day?
Friday, May 20, 2005
Helping out with the Pershing field day was fun. Those kids are stupid funny. Had plenty of good laughs. Even got a little exercise in.
The pool is so relaxing. Thank you.
It feels like I lost a part of me today. I haven't just broken down in awhile, but tonight I did and just couldn't help it. A small part of me thinks this may be good for me, but the rest of it thinks it will hurt me more. I guess only time will tell.
The pool is so relaxing. Thank you.
It feels like I lost a part of me today. I haven't just broken down in awhile, but tonight I did and just couldn't help it. A small part of me thinks this may be good for me, but the rest of it thinks it will hurt me more. I guess only time will tell.
Another day of waking up early after not enough sleep. I think I may take a nap though before Marlene and I go up to Pershing to help out with field day.
I still can't get over the fact that Reggie's career is over. I've been reading all the articles on nba.com and espn.com. But the game really was the passing of the torch to Rip. There aren't many like them left. I think I may try that style of basketball some this summer.
I still can't get over the fact that Reggie's career is over. I've been reading all the articles on nba.com and espn.com. But the game really was the passing of the torch to Rip. There aren't many like them left. I think I may try that style of basketball some this summer.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
I ended up going to see Star Wars with Efrain, Pu, Felicitas, Q and Lalla. I'm not really into Star Wars. As a matter of fact, I'm not into it at all, but I just went for the company. And I had a good time so i'm glad I went. Even though I could barely keep my eyes open near the end. I got home and should've just gone to sleep, but the Spurs vs Sonics game was on and it was too good to turn off. That was what all playoff basketball games should be like. I shall get some sleep now though. I really need it and tomorrow promises to be another long day.
I went to my interview at Pei Wei today and I got the job. I go in for orientation on thursday and I'll start either next friday or saturday. I still need to find me another job though.
I had too much on my mind last night so I didn't get to sleep until after 4am. I didn't get nearly enough sleep, but I guess I'll force myself to stay awake. I should take a nap so I will be energized for my interview at 3pm, but it doesn't look like I will right now. I guess I'll go help Ding workout at 24 for now.
Pang came and got me and we ended up at slick willie's. It was fun, but we spent way too much time there, which meant way too much money. Oh well, it's too late to do anything about it now.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
I got to sleep in some today. I got up and ended up going to hoop wit Pu at 24. I need a lot more endurance before the rec league starts. But I could see signs of the old me showing up. After that I went to pick up Marlon. I got some egg rolls for my first sort of meal of the day. I gotta fix that. I went back to 24 to workout with Q. My lower back wants to kill me, but it'll thank me later. Gotta get BIG. Came home to watch Alias. sooooooo many twists.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Marlene and I went over to our grandmother's to help her on national clean out your closet day. We cleaned out one closet and found a couple OLD phones. One was just ridiculous, but the other one was the zach morris phone. I'd always wanted the zach morris cell phone and now I can say I have one. I took a short nap on her couch, but had to get up and leave. I picked up my clothes from the cleaners then got ready for my interview at Pei Wei. It went well. I have to go back in thursday for one more interview with more managers. I need to find another job even if I get that one because it doesn't look like I'll be able to get enough hours there.
Our workout was good today. Pang joined us. It's going to be rough trying to go six days a week, but I've got goals to achieve.
I'm sore, but in a good way.
Our workout was good today. Pang joined us. It's going to be rough trying to go six days a week, but I've got goals to achieve.
I'm sore, but in a good way.
Last night was filled with mixed emotions. Overall I enjoyed our time though.
Once again I'm up early so that I could take my momma to work and use her car today. Marlene and I need to go our grandmothers soon to help her straighten some stuff up.
My lower back is a little sore, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I hope it doesn't hit me harder tomorrow.
Once again I'm up early so that I could take my momma to work and use her car today. Marlene and I need to go our grandmothers soon to help her straighten some stuff up.
My lower back is a little sore, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I hope it doesn't hit me harder tomorrow.
Monday, May 16, 2005
I dropped Marlene off at the doctor around 2pm then came back and filled out my application for Pei Wei. When I went to pick her up I dropped my application off. I have to go back tomorrow at 2pm for my interview. After that we stopped by the bowling alley and I got an application for there. It sucks because my lifeguard training expires this wednesday so as of now I can't get that job at the Houstonian. We went to pick my momma up from Pershing and helped her with grades some. I went down to the car and thought they would be down shortly after me, but I was down there for about 30 minutes just blasting music in the parking lot. But it was fun. I got home and changed and met up with Q at 24. Operation get back in shape has begun. We did abs, lower back, hamstrings, and a little cardio on the bikes while waiting for Ding. He finally showed up around 7pm and we did a pull workout. My back should be nice and sore tomorrow. But it'll be a good feeling. It's been a good day, I hope that carries over into tonight.
My days of waking up early have begun. Let's see if this summer will actually play out like I have it pictured in my mind
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I went to Old Navy with my momma and Marlene expecting to just get me some jeans and leave. I got me some jeans, but when I came out from the dressing room Marlene had about 27 things to try on. So for the next 45 minutes or so I waited around talking to Huyen and Chardae while they "worked." We finally left then waited around forever trying to get my momma and Marlene their free two week trial at 24. I got home and Q came over and we played tennis for a little while. We didn't do so great, but we'll get better as the summer goes along.
This feeling is destroying me. Literally.
This feeling is destroying me. Literally.
I went with Q up to 24 and we got our memberships. Now I have no excuse not to get back in shape. I better not waste this money.
I ended up crashing last night at 1 something. I woke up early again today, but I refused to get out of bed. I layed there for awhile before falling back asleep, but only for about 20 minutes. But there was no way I was getting up. I finally got a couple more hours of sleep before getting up around 10:30am.
I can't get you off my mind. The more and more I try the more I end up thinking about you. My heart has never recovered and it doesn't feel like it ever will. People always say follow your heart and that's what I've done, but it seems to be leading me down a dead end road. Where do I go from here?
I can't get you off my mind. The more and more I try the more I end up thinking about you. My heart has never recovered and it doesn't feel like it ever will. People always say follow your heart and that's what I've done, but it seems to be leading me down a dead end road. Where do I go from here?
Saturday, May 14, 2005
I met up with Q at the galleria around 4pm. I ended up with one new shirt and some blank cds. I need to find me some jeans though and maybe a blazer. I went by Hallmark for a little while then met up with Q, Ding, Greg, and Phyllis at Outback. Amanda was our waitress, which was fun. We gave her a hard time, but we tipped her well. We filled up on bread and drinks so weren't to hungry when our main course came out. We also took some loaves of bread home. It's very good. Marlon needed help finishing cleaning out his apartment so I went over to help him. Monica joined us a little later. He place was a mess, but we finally finished even though I missed the movie tonight. Maybe I'll go to sleep early tonight.
I decided to head to McDonald's around 8:15am. Even though I can't afford to start buying breakfast yet. But I told myself it was just this once. I came back and watched some tv then figured I may as well do something productive since I was up. I put on my Billy's Ab Boot Camp. I need to start doing that consistently. After I finished it I went out and ran around my block. I wonder what else today has in store for me.
I don't know why I woke up a little while ago after like 3 1/2 hours of sleep. Maybe because I finally had a dream. Oh well. Maybe I should go to McDonald's and get me some breakfast.
Friday, May 13, 2005
it's a sad sad day when Tiger misses the cut. i just don't believe it.
I finally slept in today. I got up around 1pm and ate breakfast. I love being home because no matter what time I wake up I can still have breakfast. Around 3pm Marlon came over then Marlene and I went back with him to help him move most of his things out of his apartment. I'm glad he doesn't have as much stuff as I do. Monica met us at TSU and helped for a little while before she had to go to her hair appointment. We took most of his things over to our grandmothers. When we finished Marlene and I went to the T-mobile store to get her a new ear piece, because the one she had broke and she can't hear on her phone without one. Now it's time for dinner and basketball.
Q, Nko and I hit up grasshopper for a foam party. Lets just say that the people who threw it didn't hold it down. We walked around looking for another place. The M Bar was poppin. It turned out that Andre Johnson was throwing a party. That was the place to be, but it was 21 and up. Next year we're going to hit up a party like that. It was definately the place to be. After we left downtown we hit up Shipley's for some donuts. Took it back to Q's and watched some sports center. Nko brought me home and I chilled with my sisters for a little while. Good laughs. I think I'll use tomorrow as a rest day. I need one.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Somehow I managed to wake up this morning. Probably because we were going to get food. Ding came and got me and we went over to Q's and met up with Pang there. We headed over to Thelma's. We got there about 10:50am, but it didn't open until 11am. Surprisingly there were already people waiting out there. And by the time it opened it was enough people there to have the line out the door. Of course the food was GREAT. Pang and I tried some of the pecan pie, which was some of the best I've had. Afterwards we headed over to Ding's for some games and rest. Then it was off to UH to workout. My goal this summer is to workout consistently. Q and I ended up running a couple of games. It felt good to be back out on the court even though my legs were dead for the entire second game. I lost my pinky ring though so now I'm sad. I guess I'll have to go get a new one this summer. Now it's time for rest and maybe grasshopper later.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Somehow I managed to stay up last night and actually study for my final and get some packing done. I left my room a little after noon to go sell my books back before my final. I think I did alright, but it was one of those tests where I'm just not sure. But it's over and I'm very glad it is. I finished up around 2pm and then my day got a little rough. For the next five hours I was moving stuff. First I moved my stuff into Katherine's that I didn't need to bring back to Houston. That included lugging my refrigerator down four flights of stairs and I don't know how far to the car. After that we made 2 trips moving Marlene's things into her house. Then it was back to get my stuff to come to Houston. I don't know how everything fit, but it did. We ate at McDonalds before heading out of town. We left about 8pm meaning I had been up for about 22 hours. That doesn't make for a very nice trip. I stopped once in Hempstead because my knee was bothering me for some reason. We got in and unloaded most of the stuff. I should've gone to bed, but no. I showered and Q came and picked me up to head over to the UH game room and hang out with a bunch of people up there. Now I should really be asleep, but of course I had to hook my computer up first. I wonder if I'll actually wake up tomorrow to go to Thelma's tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
I left my room around 8am to go get a little studying done before my logic final. I went to the Harrington computer lab and studied there. Then I just ended up playing mind sweeper, surfing the internet, and drawing on the Smartboard. I really want to get me one of those. I went to take my final and finished 14 of the 15 problems in about 45 minutes, but could NOT figure out the last one for some reason. After another 40 minutes or so of sitting there, I made up my own proof and called it a day. I met up with Marlene and Katherine for lunch. Like yesterday I ended up crashing in Marlene's room. At least that's two days in a row that I've gotten a good day's sleep. Now it's time to work on geography. This will definately be my hardest final.
sometimes i just want the memories to go away.
OMG, I just caught up to last weeks episode of Alias and now I'm upset because I can't watch the next episode yet and the suspense is killing me. That show is too good.
Monday, May 09, 2005
I learned about as much as I could with the time I had. We left around 7am to take my momma to work and then I got breakfast from Chick-Fil-A and Marlene got breakfast from Robek's. After that we headed back to college station. Marlene quizzed me on the vocabulary some more so I could hear the words being spoken. We got in around 9:30am and I dropped my stuff off then we parked in the northgate garage since it's only $2/day there. I stayed in Marlene's room until my spanish final at 10:30am. It was long and hard, but studying the vocabulary seemed to pay off so I'm sure I did okay. I had a little extra time to kill before my sociology final at 1pm so I went to Harrington to and hung out with Katherine and Bethany for a little while. I'm so so glad I read that book for sociology. Most of the test was over it, so if I hadn't read it, that would've been an automatic F. The final didn't take long since it was just like a regular test. I finished it up and met up with Marlene, Katherine, and Chance for lunch at Antonio's. We went back to Marlene's room and I watched a little tv before passing out. I kept waking up though. Heather stopped by for a little while. I'm supposed to hang out with her some before I leave, but I was out of it today. I finally got up around 10pm so I could take Katherine home. I'm finally back in my room and I need to find some time during the night. I'm set for logic, but I need to get on it for geography.
Somehow I've managed to read the book I needed to for sociology. It's a very good thing that I didn't go back to A&M yesterday, because the reading most likely would not have gotten accomplished. I've also been learning a lot of spanish vocabulary again. I really need to keep up with it this summer. If there's anybody out there who wants to help me with that feel free to. I'll most likely have Marlene quiz me on them out loud on our trip back. That's if she's awake. Now it's time to learn the preterite and imperfect tenses.
This summer will definately do me some good.
This summer will definately do me some good.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
I got a good nights rest last night for a change. I got up around 10am and listened to Pastor Joel Osteen on tv before getting up and fixing me some breakfast. I got ready for the day and actually started studying. Marlene didn't want to go back in the rain so it looks like we'll be going back early tomorrow. That's probably a good thing though because I can get more work done here.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
I slept for about an hour and a half this morning before getting up and getting ready to leave. We grabbed some Sonic then left town. I ended up driving the second half so my momma could rest some more. We left late so when we got into town we had to hurry to get ready for Marlon's banquet. Luckily I was able to take Monica's old car so I could leave and go watch the game after the banquet. The banquet was nice though and so was the Hilton where it was held. Bri and I had a good time looking at the painting and trying to interpret them. There was also an aquarium with the fish from Finding Nemo and a lot of tiny baby starfish. It was very cool. Marlon passed on the wings to the next Flight Team captain. He was also presented the award of the top pilot of the year. The food was better than I thought and my grandmother was very entertaining even though she tried to teach me some table etiquette. I left slightly before everybody else and went over to Q's to watch the game. That's all I have to say about the game besides JVG is a terrible coach. After I left Q's I met up with Ding, Amanda and her sister at IHOP just to chill for a little while. Now I need some sleep since I have to drive back to A&M tomorrow. I also need some energy to study.
I finally get to be center stage,
This is it...my big shot.
I'm as nervous as one can be.
Will they like me or not?
Why can't I be like the birds of the air?
That way I can go anywhere I please.
Or maybe a fish in the ocean,
So I can travel the 7 seas.
I want to be like Ali in his prime,
The greatest at what I do.
Jordan in the clutch,
You can count on me coming through.
I wanna win every game,
So everyone will know I'm the best.
Because if I lose...
I get mixed in with the rest.
I wanna stand out.
I wanna stand above the crowd.
I wanna stand tall.
I wanna stand proud.
The best grades have to be mine.
The most money has to come to me.
I can't come in 2nd place,
That's not good enough for what I want to be.
I set such high standards for myself.
So high I can never reach em.
Back to the earth I fall,
Just to be another him...
I stop trying,
If I can't be the best then why try at all.
I always just set myself up again,
For another dissappointing fall.
Escape reality,
That's what I'm trying to do.
To think I can be the best at everything,
I must just be a dumb fool.
But I have to compete,
Life IS a game.
There were meant to be winners and losers,
Everybody can't be the same.
Why do I compete with everybody?
Especially when they're not competing with me.
I guess you could trace it all back to my pride,
I need to get rid of some of it, see?
Pride will be my downfall,
Unless I change my ways.
I need to stop just hearing the wise people,
And actually listen to what they say.
Afterall...I don't HAVE to be the best,
Not even in the top 10.
It can't always be about winning and losing,
Because I can't always win.
Nobody else is playing the game of my life,
Therefore I can just be myself.
And worry about the things that really matter,
Like happiness and health.
So MAYBE tomorrow...
I'll just go out and have fun.
Be myself and not worry what others think,
THEN I will have won.
I'll be the best me I can be,
Do what nobody else can.
Be the greatest me of all time,
Because nobody can be who I am.
This is it...my big shot.
I'm as nervous as one can be.
Will they like me or not?
Why can't I be like the birds of the air?
That way I can go anywhere I please.
Or maybe a fish in the ocean,
So I can travel the 7 seas.
I want to be like Ali in his prime,
The greatest at what I do.
Jordan in the clutch,
You can count on me coming through.
I wanna win every game,
So everyone will know I'm the best.
Because if I lose...
I get mixed in with the rest.
I wanna stand out.
I wanna stand above the crowd.
I wanna stand tall.
I wanna stand proud.
The best grades have to be mine.
The most money has to come to me.
I can't come in 2nd place,
That's not good enough for what I want to be.
I set such high standards for myself.
So high I can never reach em.
Back to the earth I fall,
Just to be another him...
I stop trying,
If I can't be the best then why try at all.
I always just set myself up again,
For another dissappointing fall.
Escape reality,
That's what I'm trying to do.
To think I can be the best at everything,
I must just be a dumb fool.
But I have to compete,
Life IS a game.
There were meant to be winners and losers,
Everybody can't be the same.
Why do I compete with everybody?
Especially when they're not competing with me.
I guess you could trace it all back to my pride,
I need to get rid of some of it, see?
Pride will be my downfall,
Unless I change my ways.
I need to stop just hearing the wise people,
And actually listen to what they say.
Afterall...I don't HAVE to be the best,
Not even in the top 10.
It can't always be about winning and losing,
Because I can't always win.
Nobody else is playing the game of my life,
Therefore I can just be myself.
And worry about the things that really matter,
Like happiness and health.
So MAYBE tomorrow...
I'll just go out and have fun.
Be myself and not worry what others think,
THEN I will have won.
I'll be the best me I can be,
Do what nobody else can.
Be the greatest me of all time,
Because nobody can be who I am.
Friday, May 06, 2005
My momma came into town and I went to help Marlene move some things into the house that she'll be staying in for the summer and fall. We made two trips. My momma wasn't feeling good so she only made the first one. After moving the stuff we went to On The Border to eat. I always fill up on the chips and salsa, which I really need to stop doing. I still ate most of my food though, now I just have a late night snack for later. Now I wonder what I'll do for tonight.
I watched some 9-ball on tv and the championship came down to Karen Corr vs. Allison Fisher. Karen Corr was just on top of her game though and came out with a 3-peat. That really got me in the mood to play pool so I watched a little more tv then headed down to the commons to play. I played 9-ball for a little while then started just working on my draw shot. After many many attempts I finally found a way that seemed to get it to draw back consistently. Then I remembered a trick shot from the other day that involved a draw shot, so I decided to try it out. The trick is to pocket four balls in one shot. I placed the 2-ball next to the side pocket, the 5-ball attached directly to the side of it, the 7-ball attached at an angle to the 5-ball and the 3-ball back in the corner pocket by you. The cue ball is inbetween the 3-ball and the 5-ball. The trick is to hit the cue ball into the 5-ball causing the 2-ball to drop into the side pocket, the 5-ball in the corner, the 7-ball in the opposite corner, and have the cue ball draw back and pocket the 3-ball into the corner by you. I don't know how long I spent trying to get this to work. At first I couldn't get the 5 and7-ball to drop. Then just the 7-ball. Of course all this time the cue ball wouldn't draw back into the 3-ball. Finally I was able to get the 2, 5, and 7-ball to go in easily. After a 100 something tries IT FINALLY WORKED. Somehow I just knew it when I hit it that time. The cue ball hit the 5-ball and came racing back, I heard the other 3 balls drop and lastly the cue ball tapped in the 3-ball. I couldn't believe it. I even had a couple of witnesses. All I wanted to do was have it work once, so after it did, I packed up my stuff and left.
Now for more Alias.
Now for more Alias.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
It's going down. Game 7 in Dallas.
TMac did his thing like usual. Came up big in the 4th tonight. Mike James helped keep them in it while TMac got some rest in the 2nd. But it was the oldies that were the goodies. Barry stepped up in the 4th, but it was DEKE that stole the show with his defense.
I may have to leave my brothers banquet early on saturday to catch the game. But rest assure that I will be watching it and I will be playing my song before the game. You already know which one cuz I'm From HOUSTON.
TMac did his thing like usual. Came up big in the 4th tonight. Mike James helped keep them in it while TMac got some rest in the 2nd. But it was the oldies that were the goodies. Barry stepped up in the 4th, but it was DEKE that stole the show with his defense.
I may have to leave my brothers banquet early on saturday to catch the game. But rest assure that I will be watching it and I will be playing my song before the game. You already know which one cuz I'm From HOUSTON.
I got a few hours of sleep then finally got up to go to the Sigma Sizzle. A few different sororities and fraternities performed including one group from PV. I'm glad I went. It was good and there was free bbq, which was better than I thought it was going to be. Now it's time for the Rockets game.
"I got a 100 neighborhoods wit me, playa I'm from HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
From Acres Home to Missouri City, playa I'm from HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
From 59 to that 45, pimpin I'm from HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
On that party 104.9, representin that HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
And this is how we do."
"I got a 100 neighborhoods wit me, playa I'm from HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
From Acres Home to Missouri City, playa I'm from HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
From 59 to that 45, pimpin I'm from HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
On that party 104.9, representin that HOUSTON (HOUSTON).
And this is how we do."
I started my Alias marathon around 2:30am. I stopped for breakfast at 7am then I kept it going. I also finally wrote all my vocab sentences for spanish while watching. Good thing I started early. I stopped around 9:15 to shower and get ready. I had to go try to take my oral proficiency test for spanish. Luckily I was able to catch up with my professor and take it. I think it went fairly well. Now it's time for more Alias.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
How to make myself study for my finals. I should be able to study for spanish just because I'm interested and want to learn it. And I've done good in logic all semester so I don't have to do too much studying for that. But sociology and geography are another story. I need to make a schedule of when I'll study. It's the only way anything will get done. But when to schedule time to study.
I slept in today, just because I had nothing else to do. I got up and was going to participate in a water balloon and shaving cream fight, but they took too long to set it up so I had to go to my spanish review. I grabbed some food and went. I'm glad I did, it was helpful. Now I'm watching the end of the Wizards vs. Bulls game and somehow the Bulls have comeback to tie it at 110 with 5.2 seconds left after being down 10 with 40 seconds left. Gotta love the NBA playoffs.
WOW, all that work only to have Arenas come down and hit a cold blooded jumper over 2 defenders at the buzzer. I don't know if I've seen a crowd in more of a shock.
WOW, all that work only to have Arenas come down and hit a cold blooded jumper over 2 defenders at the buzzer. I don't know if I've seen a crowd in more of a shock.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I don't really do birthdays, but the people close to me made this one very special. Definately the best birthday I've had in awhile.
I almost didn't get up for class today, but decided to since I only had one and it was my last class of the semester. After class I met up with Marlene and Katherine for lunch. They both made me home-made birthday cards, which I loved. After lunch they dragged me to U Paint It. They have different dishes and animals and other things that you get to paint. These are the before pictures. It'll look better once they glaze it and fire it.

After the painting I came back to campus and my dorm was holding a field day type event. I hung out there, got some good fajitas and chilled. Someone noticed a bird that had fallen down a drain so people started trying to figure out how to get it out. They finally did using a plastic bag, some ribbon, and a stick. I was surprised that it worked.
I was planning on going bowling with Marlene and a couple other people so Katherine came and picked me up. I got to the MSC to find out that they threw me a surprise party. I had no clue. It completely made my day. Marlon, Monica, and Bri even drove up from Houston to be there. I was very touched by that. They even bought me a cheeseless pizza. There was also a cookie cake, which was absolutely delicious. We bowled and joke around and just had a great time. Then I came back and shot some pool.
Today was just a wonderful day.
Now for a few more pictures.

Me after they surprised me.

The delicious cookie cake

Bri bowling

Kym bowling. You gotta love the bowling shoes with the dress

Katherine bowling

Greg being greg and putting bunny ears on Lindsay
And the main person that made it all happen

My lovely sister Marlene
I don't feel any older, but this birthday definately won't be forgotten.
I almost didn't get up for class today, but decided to since I only had one and it was my last class of the semester. After class I met up with Marlene and Katherine for lunch. They both made me home-made birthday cards, which I loved. After lunch they dragged me to U Paint It. They have different dishes and animals and other things that you get to paint. These are the before pictures. It'll look better once they glaze it and fire it.

After the painting I came back to campus and my dorm was holding a field day type event. I hung out there, got some good fajitas and chilled. Someone noticed a bird that had fallen down a drain so people started trying to figure out how to get it out. They finally did using a plastic bag, some ribbon, and a stick. I was surprised that it worked.
I was planning on going bowling with Marlene and a couple other people so Katherine came and picked me up. I got to the MSC to find out that they threw me a surprise party. I had no clue. It completely made my day. Marlon, Monica, and Bri even drove up from Houston to be there. I was very touched by that. They even bought me a cheeseless pizza. There was also a cookie cake, which was absolutely delicious. We bowled and joke around and just had a great time. Then I came back and shot some pool.
Today was just a wonderful day.
Now for a few more pictures.

Me after they surprised me.

The delicious cookie cake

Bri bowling

Kym bowling. You gotta love the bowling shoes with the dress

Katherine bowling

Greg being greg and putting bunny ears on Lindsay
And the main person that made it all happen

My lovely sister Marlene
I don't feel any older, but this birthday definately won't be forgotten.
Just another day.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Anybody who knows me knows that the majority of the time I won't blame the refs for the outcome of a game, but tonight the refs definately played a major part in the Rockets loss. But Yao's no freethrow shooting self, 4 missed layups and a lack of aggression also helped. And TMac just played soft. Before game 6 and all during it I'll have I'm From Houston on replay. Maybe it'll help somehow.
I woke up this morning and wasn't sure if I'd make it to class, but finally I got up and got ready for spanish. I went and lucky me we had a quiz. And since I hadn't been to class most of last week I didn't really know what was going on, but I soon found out that neither did the people around me so I felt better. We're still learning stuff which isn't good, but I just have to deal with it and learn what I need to know. I came back to my room and ate after spanish and watched a couple Simpson's episodes. I went to logic lab and we got our third test back. I got a 131/150 which is okay I guess since I didn't study as much as I should have for it. I also finally got my second test back, which made my day a lot better since I got a 150/150 on it. Now I'll relax until the game comes on and then probably pool after that.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
I've got nothing left in me to finish off this semester.
I was all ready to just put on some Simpson's episodes on my computer when I decided to check the tv guide. The Power Rangers were on, but I figured it was one of the newer ones and those just aren't as cool as the original. But I check anyways and unbelievably it's one of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers episodes. It was great. It seemed to be tv's early birthday present to me. And I loved it. Thank you Zach, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Jason. Alpha and Zordon too and I guess Rita.
I watched some of the Denver vs SA game then got tired of that since Denver was sucking it up. I switched to America's Funniest Home Videos for a little while. After that it was time to hit up the commons for another long night of pool. Stephen and I started a new series tonight. We played 32 games and I took the lead 19-13. THe last few games we seemed like we were drunk though from how much we were laughing. Most of it because of a few lines from a drunk guy who was playing on the table next to us. After the games we decided to see how many rails we could get the cue ball to bounce off of. Then we tried to make the cue ball bounce off the table and into one of the pockets. Then it was time to try to make the cue ball masse. That didn't work too well. Luckily we both had graphite sticks. We got done with that and decided to hit up the ping pong. I hadn't played since freshman year but still did pretty good. I had forgotten how much you can sweat while playing ping pong. But it was all good. Next time we gone have to try out the foos ball. Now I wonder what I'll do since I'm not tired because the ping pong got my energy flowing.